From San Pietro parish in the district of Quinto (check out the route 10) it is possible to reach the mountains of Genoa taking an hiking trail called “bunker’s path”. From Via al cimitero di Quinto, to get to the path which climbs its way up to the top of Monte Moro (408 m, 1 hour’s walk) and ends – at least for the bravest – on the top of Monte Fasce (832m, 2 hour’s walk).
The route is medium/easy difficulty and is basically suitable for everyone, but the difference in altitude is considerable and in some sections the climbs can be demanding. It is advisable to be well equipped for the excursion. It is not the kind of path you can walk whilst wearing a swimsuit and flip-flops!
Along the path you will find WWII shelters and, step by step, unforgettable views of Genoa and eastern gulf. If you sit on top of Moro, like on a distant planet, on bright days your gaze will find no obstacles as they will run to Corsica, the Island of Elba… and the Alps.
Once you reach the top of the Moro, you will find the intersection with the path that descends to Nervi (more info here).
This article is for information purposes only. We cannot guarantee the effective accessibility of all trails