Pansoti, Genoese pasta

In Genoa most of the restaurants offer in the menu pansoti with walnut sauce, considered a real workhorse
pansoti genoa pasta

Pansoti in walnuts sauce is a typical dish of Ligurian cuisine, to try in Genoa and in particular in the eastern Genoese Riviera in all restaurants offering traditional cuisine.

Pansoti are a stuffed pasta of herbs and seasoned with walnuts sauce. The original recipe of pansoti involves the use of preboggiun, a mixture of field herbs of the Ligurian territory. For our recipe we propose a mix of other vegetables that guarantee a result similar to the original.

Another fundamental ingredient is prescinseua, a sour cheese very common in Liguria. In its absence you can use a mix of cottage cheese and yogurt, which provides the acidulous part.

Pansoti, in addition to restaurants and trattorias in Genoa and its province, can also be bought in fresh pasta shops and delicatessen, which also prepare walnut sauce to accompany them.

Genoese pansoti, stuffed vegetarian pasta: recipe


  • 0,7 lb flour
  • 1 egg
  • a glass of water and white wine
  • salt


  • 1,5 lb escarole or chard 2/4, borage 1/4 e chicory 1/4
  • 0,5 lb prescinseua
  • marjoram
  • grated parmesan
  • salt
  • pepper

Start by preparing the fresh pasta: mix the sifted flour with salt, add the egg, white wine (or water), knead until you get a homogeneous and elastic mixture. Let it rest at least half an hour wrapped in plastic wrap.

In the meantime wash the mix of herbs and vegetables, boil them in boiling water, drain, squeeze them well and let them cool (you can also put them under cold water to accelerate the process). Roll out the dough on a floured surface: the dough should be very thin: you can use a rolling pin or a machine to roll out the dough.

Prepare the filling: blend the vegetables with the prescinseua, parmesan, marjoram, salt and pepper. The filling must be compact and not liquid.

Cut the dough into squares of about 5 cm, put a little filling in the center, folded in a triangle pressing well to weld and then join the two opposite corners to obtain the typical shape of pansoto. If the dough is dry, slightly wet the edges of the squares.

Cook the pansoti in salted and boiling water, drain and season with walnut sauce, or with sage butter and parmesan.

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